Rev. Julie Ferguson, Associate Pastor - Congregational Care
Co-Host of Roswell Presbyterian Church
Rev. Julie Ferguson is very excited to be joining the Roswell Presbyterian staff as Associate Pastor of Congregational Care and looks forward to meeting and getting to know the Roswell Presbyterian family. Julie’s first call in ministry was as a hospice chaplain. She has also been the short-term solo pastor of three churches and is trained in interim/transitional ministry. In 2016, Julie completed a chaplain residency year at Northside Hospital where her main areas of care were the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and the Cancer Center. Her favorite part of congregational care is “story listening” and hearing about the lives and families of God’s children and their concerns and joys.
Julie is married to Kelly and they have a daughter, Abby, who is a special education teacher in Forsyth County. Kelly and Julie live in Midtown, Atlanta (where Kelly walks to work daily) and they have a 3-year-old female tortoiseshell cat named Cat Benatar (“Bennie”). Kelly and Julie love creating “Weird Georgia” vacations they can experience together using the book by the same name, and they really enjoy traveling around the world with friends. Julie loves laughing, good humor, and reminding folks how much they are loved by God and how God’s grace abounds in our lives.
Julie has a Bachelor of Journalism degree from University of Georgia, an Associate of Science in Dental Hygiene degree from Medical College of Georgia (she practiced as a registered dental hygienist and clinical instructor for 13 years), and graduated from Columbia Theological Seminary in 2009 with her Master of Divinity degree. She currently serves as the clergy advisor for Georgia Presbyterian Pilgrimage and often works the 3-day spiritual renewal weekends as a clergy staff member. She also serves as a member of the Committee on Ministry of Presbytery of Greater Atlanta.
Rev. Julie Ferguson, Associate Pastor - Congregational Care has hosted eight Episodes.
Episode 306: CLOSING THE DISTANCE with Jeremiah Robinson and Camille Core
27 June 2023 | Season 21 | 28 mins 30 secs
Episode 125: Roswell Presbyterian Church | Incredibles (of faith): "The Foiler" | Sunday, July 18, 2021
18 July 2021 | Season 17 | 24 mins 14 secs
For more information visit: roswellpres.org
Episode 73: Walk on the Wild Side: Amazing Grace Too Sweet the Sound?
12 July 2020 | Season 12 | 17 mins 50 secs
roswell presbyterian church
This week we consider one of the most familiar of all Jesus’ parables, best known as “The Parable of the Prodigal Son.” It’s a story of how the lives of two sons unfold and of a father who encompasses both with love, generosity, and grace. Yet, it’s a love and grace that can be hard to understand by the usual criteria of justice and fairness - that is unless there’s more to the story. Join me as we explore it together.
-Rev. Dr. Randy Jackson -
Episode 72: Walk on the Wild Side: The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Daniel 6:13-27) | Sunday, July 5, 2020
5 July 2020 | Season 12 | 21 mins 1 sec
roswell presbyterian church
Our passage today tells us how a good and wise man was viewed by others and how some of those others, out of jealousy, tried to have him put to death. He was firm in his faith, disciplined in his faith life and practices, and allowed his faith to influence others. And, in a fearful situation one long night, his faith in God gave him courage and he leaned on that faith as the lions surrounded him.
Episode 56: Searching for Resurrection: "Barabbas" (Matthew 27:15-26)
15 March 2020 | Season 10 | 22 mins
This Sunday, Pastor Julie takes a look at the character of Barabbas as told in the twenty-seventh chapter of Matthew's Gospel. Learn more about Roswell Presbyterian Church and stay up to date on how we connect together as a faith community during this season of social distancing by visiting our website: www.roswellpres.org
Episode 44: Unwrapped (Philippians 4:4-8)
29 December 2019 | Season 8 | 17 mins 43 secs
Episode 41: The Gifts of Advent “Peace” (Isaiah 2:1-5)
10 December 2019 | 18 mins 54 secs
Advent points to the coming of Jesus as we remember his arrival to Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem 2000 years ago, his presence in our hearts every day, and his promise to come again in glory. We at RPC hope to witness to that good news through all our ministries and activities.
Episode 9: The Outsiders: "An Open Secret" (Matthew 11:2-6)
31 March 2019 | Season 2 | 21 mins 19 secs
In our everyday lives, where do we see people following the teachings of Jesus? Maybe we observe these interactions at work, or while running errands, or at social events, or other activities.
In our passage today, Jesus tells John the Baptist’s disciples, “Go and tell John what you hear and see:...” These words are followed by mentions of healings and compassion for the people of God. Jesus tells them that his ministry is to those outside the perimeters of society, to those people who need kindness, acceptance and healing. It is not a secret. It’s right there in front of them if they would just pay attention. These teachings have been passed down through generations and are now passed to us. It is our responsibility to pass them on to future generations.
In our busy lives, do we take the time to notice others carrying out the teachings of Jesus? Can we slow down enough to watch for these moments? Do we show kindness and Christ’s love to others we encounter each day? Opportunities are anywhere, at any time, and can be as simple as a smile, a kind word, a quick phone call or email, or even a compliment. As we go about our lives this week, let’s look for others who are following Christ’s teachings. And may others also observe us sharing the kindness and love of Christ in our interactions with God’s people.