Roswell Presbyterian Church
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
476 episodes of Roswell Presbyterian Church since the first episode, which aired on 3 January 2019.
Episode 66: Roswell Presbyterian Church | Desperation, Despair, Promise (1 Kings 19:1-16) Sunday, May 24, 2020
26 May 2020 | Season 11 | 19 mins 42 secs
roswell presbyterian church
Even following a remarkable victory over the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel, our hero, Elijah, runs to a cave in trying to hide from God. This week, we’ll explore those times we also fear we are alone, isolated, and afraid, and look at God’s response to Elijah and us.
Episode 65: Elijah - “Prayerful Leadership” 1 Kings 18:41-46_Rev. Jeff Meyers, preaching
17 May 2020 | Season 11 | 22 mins 53 secs
By looking at a brief moment in the prophet Elijah’s life, we will explore the practice of prayer. Prayer is one of the great mysteries of the Christian life and an area we often are afraid to ask questions about. In our sermon we will explore why we pray and the difference it can make in our lives and in the world.
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Episode 64: Elijah - “Are You Limping?” 1 Kings 17:19-24_Rev. Jeff Meyers, preaching
10 May 2020 | Season 11 | 21 mins 38 secs
The message of Sunday’s sermon looks at Elijah’s call to not “limp” between options. He demonstrates the importance of deciding on what we really care about. Making this decision helps clarify all our future choices. In the end, we are called to worship the God revealed in Jesus Christ and give him the place of ultimate authority in our lives.
Episode 63: ELIJAH-RiversRunDry-1Kings_17_1-7_Rev. Jeff Meyers
3 May 2020 | Season 11 | 24 mins 8 secs
roswell presbyterian church