Roswell Presbyterian Church

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

476 episodes of Roswell Presbyterian Church since the first episode, which aired on 3 January 2019.

  • Episode 23: Follow Me @: "King" (John 18:28-38a)

    4 August 2019  |  Season 5  |  25 mins 40 secs

    Good morning! Today we conclude our sermon series, Follow Me. We have journeyed through the Gospel of John and focused on the various "I am" statements that Jesus makes to describe himself. The interesting thing about our passage this morning is that while Jesus makes very clear that he is the king, it is not one of the "I am" statements. Jesus does not directly say "I am the King."

    Also in our passage this morning, Jesus explains that he is not king in the way we typically think of a king. He continues to insist that his kingdom is not of this world. What does Jesus mean by that anyway? And why wouldn't Jesus just come out and call himself king?

    We will think through those things this morning as we study God's Word together!

  • Episode 22: Follow Me @: "TheTrueVine" (John 15:1-11)

    28 July 2019  |  Season 5  |  21 mins 26 secs

    In today’s sermon, we will look at what it means to “abide in Christ.” If you’re anything like me, you often feel Christ’s love and peace crowded out by the cares and concerns of life. However, Jesus promises us that abiding in him will lead to making our joy complete. What does that mean? How can we experience that kind of joy? I look forward to addressing these questions with you today!

  • Episode 21: Follow Me @: "TheResurrectionAndTheLife (John 11:1-45)

    21 July 2019  |  Season 5  |  24 mins 2 secs

    An obituary notice headline named a prominent attorney who had died, and declared “FuneralArrangements Pending.” The article shared many of the accomplishments of this apparently brilliant attorney. It noted his extensive educational background, decorated military service, his community service, membership in numerous service organizations, and listed his surviving family members. The obituary closed by informing friends where to direct memorial contributions. It was truly a fitting tribute to a prominent community leader.

    There was only one thing wrong. He was not dead. Somehow, some way, the newspaper had received erroneous information. Now, of course, this proved to be very embarrassing for the paper and very painful for family members, even though I understand there was a retraction printed the following day. But as I have considered this over the past several weeks while thinking about this sermon, two aspects of the story immediately came to mind.
    (1) The statement of Mark Twain that the news of his death was greatly exaggerated, and
    (2) The reality and truth of at least part of that obituary notice.
    In reality, all of our funeral arrangements “are pending.” Today’s Biblical passage deals with this subject in the life of Jesus as we continue our Summer Sermon Series, ”Follow me,” and look at Jesus’ words, “I am the Resurrection and the Life.”

  • Episode 20: Follow Me @: "FromAbove" (John 8:21-30)

    14 July 2019  |  Season 5  |  21 mins 44 secs

    “Where are you from?” – It’s not an uncommon question, even if you are just trying to make small talk or are actually curious to know the background of a person. It seems simple enough, but Jesus’ answer to the question is not so simple.

    In our scripture today, Jesus tries to tell a group of people where he is from, but they have a hard time understanding his answer. In fact, his explanation just leads to another, more pointed question, “Who are you?” If we look closely, we will see that when Jesus says that he is “from above” it also tells much about who he is.

    I’m glad you are part of the Roswell Presbyterian Church faith family and have joined us on this quest to know and follow Jesus, today and forevermore.

  • Episode 17: Follow Me @: "TheGate" (John 10:1-10)

    23 June 2019  |  Season 5  |  24 mins 48 secs

    We are only a few weeks into this summer, and already this abundant life in Christ is happening here and now. Through our camps, Bible studies, and VBS, it is so clear that God is at work in mighty ways through this church. It is my prayer that through our worship today, we would
    experience the transforming love and abundant life God offers as we worship together.

  • Episode 16: Follow Me @: "IAmtheLightoftheWorld" (John 8:12-20)

    16 June 2019  |  Season 5  |  19 mins 55 secs

    In worship today we will continue our sermon series examining the various “I Am” statements that Jesus made in the Gospel of John. Today we will look at “I am the light of the world.” What does it mean that Jesus is the light of the world and how does that call us to be at work in our context and in relationship with others around us? How are we called to be light?