Roswell Presbyterian Church

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

476 episodes of Roswell Presbyterian Church since the first episode, which aired on 3 January 2019.

  • Episode 44: Unwrapped (Philippians 4:4-8)

    29 December 2019  |  Season 8  |  17 mins 43 secs
  • Episode 45: The Gifts of Advent: "Making Room" (Luke 2:1-14)

    24 December 2019  |  Season 8  |  15 mins 54 secs
  • Episode 43: The Gifts of Advent: "Joy" (Isaiah 35:1-10)

    22 December 2019  |  Season 8  |  21 mins 14 secs

    On this Fourth Sunday of Advent Pastor Jeff addresses the difference between happiness and pleasure from true Joy that is found only in Christ! We invite you to join us in celebrating the birth of Christ at one of our Christmas Eve services at either 3, 5, 7, 8 or 11 pm.

  • Episode 42: The Gifts of Advent: "Love" (Isaiah 7:10-16)

    15 December 2019  |  Season 8  |  17 mins 43 secs

    The Christmas season offers one of the key times of the year when people return to church. The music warms their
    hearts, the beauty of the lights and greenery bring back fond memories, and the message of the season is truly good news.

  • Episode 40: The Gifts of Advent: "Hope" (Isaiah 11:1-10)

    1 December 2019  |  Season 8  |  18 mins 55 secs

    Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the time that leads up to Christmas. The word, advent, comes from the Latin word for “coming.” Advent is the season when we celebrate the three ways that Jesus comes to us: when he was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago, when he comes into our hearts daily, and when he promises to come in glory at the end of time.

    Our sermon series this year will focus on the gifts that Christ’s advent brings. For many of us, the Christmas season can bring back bad memories of a painful experience, the loss of a loved one, and the letdown of unfulfilled dreams. And so today, we will focus on the gift of hope that Jesus offers. My prayer is that each of us will experience the hope of Jesus Christ today!

  • Episode 36: Yesvember: "The Promise of Yes" (2 Corinthians 1:15-20)

    3 November 2019  |  Season 8  |  17 mins 9 secs

    Today we begin a new sermon series looking at the great Yes! passages in the Bible. We hear No from so many voices in our lives, what does it mean to trust in God’s Yes? I believe this message can make a profound, practical impact in our lives.