Roswell Presbyterian Church

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

476 episodes of Roswell Presbyterian Church since the first episode, which aired on 3 January 2019.

  • Episode 76: Walk on the Wild Side: Riding in Style | Sunday, August 2, 2020

    2 August 2020  |  Season 12  |  23 mins 16 secs
    roswell presbyterian church

    Do you find yourself open to change? Life often seems to present new situations to us that requires us to respond in ways we’ve never conceived of before. In today’s passage, we will find a surprising character teaching us how to be open change. I hope our furry friend might teach us a few new ways to adapt to life’s challenges.

  • Episode 75: Walk on the Wild Side: Between a Rock and a Hard Place | Sunday, July 26, 2020

    26 July 2020  |  Season 12  |  23 mins 47 secs
    roswell presbyterian church

    Have you ever felt caught between two decisions where neither one of them seemed like a good option? This morning we will look at Peter as he wrestles with wanting to do the right thing, but struggles to find the strength to do what he should. The good news is scripture also has a word for us for navigating between a rock and a hard place.

  • Episode 74: Walk on the Wild Side: How Hard is it to Get Into Heaven? | Sunday, July 19, 2020

    19 July 2020  |  Season 12  |  3 mins 53 secs
    roswell presbyterian church

    Have you ever thought about what it would take to earn eternal life? Do you feel overwhelmed by even asking the question? You’re not alone. The good thing is, when Jesus addressed this question with his disciples, he had good news for them and for us!

  • Episode 73: Walk on the Wild Side: Amazing Grace Too Sweet the Sound?

    12 July 2020  |  Season 12  |  17 mins 50 secs
    roswell presbyterian church

    This week we consider one of the most familiar of all Jesus’ parables, best known as “The Parable of the Prodigal Son.” It’s a story of how the lives of two sons unfold and of a father who encompasses both with love, generosity, and grace. Yet, it’s a love and grace that can be hard to understand by the usual criteria of justice and fairness - that is unless there’s more to the story. Join me as we explore it together.
    -Rev. Dr. Randy Jackson

  • Episode 72: Walk on the Wild Side: The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Daniel 6:13-27) | Sunday, July 5, 2020

    5 July 2020  |  Season 12  |  21 mins 1 sec
    roswell presbyterian church

    Our passage today tells us how a good and wise man was viewed by others and how some of those others, out of jealousy, tried to have him put to death. He was firm in his faith, disciplined in his faith life and practices, and allowed his faith to influence others. And, in a fearful situation one long night, his faith in God gave him courage and he leaned on that faith as the lions surrounded him.

  • Episode 71: Summer Series: Walk on the Wild Side “Surprising Spokesman”

    28 June 2020  |  Season 12  |  22 mins 47 secs
    roswell presbyterian church

    Have you ever been forced to see something you didn’t really want to see? That’s just the kind of story we will read in today’s sermon text. We will see God use a surprising creature to wake up his owner to see what is standing right in front of him. May this story help you see the world and your life like you’ve never seen before!

  • Episode 70: Walk on the Wild Side: Changing Direction (Jonah 1:1-17) | Sunday, June 21, 2020

    21 June 2020  |  Season 12  |  23 mins 18 secs
    roswell presbyterian church

    It is so important to gather together, even in a virtual way, to praise God and
    listen to where God is calling us through scripture today. It is my prayer that you would feel the Holy Spirit surround you as we worship!

  • Episode 69: Walk on the Wild Side: Keeping Promises (Genesis 7:24-8:17)

    14 June 2020  |  Season 12  |  19 mins 51 secs
    roswell presbyterian church

    In this podcast we look at the story of Noah’s Ark and the flood. While few of us will experience a literal flood as Noah did, we will all experience flood-like events. Noah’s story offers us a model of how to respond to stressful events in our lives. Does that sound relevant to you today? It sure does to me!

  • Episode 68: Walk on the Wild Side: Watch Out for Snakes (Genesis 3:1-15; 21-24) Sunday, June 7, 2020

    7 June 2020  |  Season 12  |  20 mins 33 secs
    roswell presbyterian church

    Do you ever wonder why there’s so much evil in the world? In today’s sermon, we are going to look at the famous passage of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. We will explore the story in detail to shine a light on our own lives so we can be set free from sin. This freedom will allow us to contribute to the flourishing of God’s good creation.

  • Episode 67: Pentecost: Are You Drunk? ( Acts 2:1-21) Sunday, May 31, 2020

    1 June 2020  |  Season 12  |  21 mins 22 secs
    roswell presbyterian church

    Today’s sermon looks at the creation of the first Christian community. Have you ever wondered what observers thought about these new Christians? This morning we will explore what they thought about them and what set these followers of Jesus apart from the rest of the world. I think you’ll find the answer inspiring and maybe even a little humorous.