Roswell Presbyterian Church

About the show

Roswell Presbyterian Church was established in 1839 and is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) within the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta. Since our formation, we have been a church dedicated to reaching out in love and service to the community and the world. We are a congregation with deep historic roots, it is because of the dedication and commitment of those who preceded us that we are able to be a vibrant community today.
We're thrilled to provide this podcast as a way to hear the message.

About the host, Rev. Jeff Meyers, Senior Pastor
Jeff attended Princeton Theological Seminary (PTS). He was awarded the Religion and Society Fellowship for his writing on Christian ethics and human rights. After graduating from PTS, Jeff served in college and young adult ministry at North Avenue Presbyterian Church in Atlanta for ten years. In 2017, Jeff came to Roswell Presbyterian Church.

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  • Episode 12: The Outsiders: "The First Witnesses" (Matthew 28:1-10)

    21 April 2019  |  Season 2  |  19 mins 53 secs

    Today we celebrate the fact that over 2000 years ago God intervened in human history to let us know that evil and death do not have the final word on any of our lives. In Jesus Christ, we hear the good news that he has been resurrected from the dead and has made God’s life-giving grace available to each of us.

    This news was just as surprising to the first-hand witnesses as it is to us. And because those witnesses couldn’t stop themselves from sharing it, now the Easter story can transform our lives. I look forward to sharing in the joy and celebration of Easter with you today!

  • Episode 11: The Outsiders: "You Can Be Right and Still Wrong" (Matthew 21:1-11)

    14 April 2019  |  Season 2  |  19 mins 5 secs

    Today is Palm Sunday, the first day of the most important week of the Christian year. Over the next seven days, we will take the long journey from Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, to his last meal with his disciples, to his crucifixion, and finally to his triumph over death itself. I look forward to walking this path with you.

  • Episode 10: The Outsiders: "The Wideness of God's Mercy" (Matthew 15:21-28)

    7 April 2019  |  Season 2  |  24 mins 39 secs

    In our passage, it appears that Jesus chooses not to acknowledge someone in need. Can that really be true? Do we have a Savior that ignores people who cry out to him? I wonder if, like the woman in the Matthew passage, each of us has had a time in our lives when we are certain that God was choosing to ignore us instead of choosing to help us. If that is the case, what does that mean for us and what does it say about God? How wide is God’s mercy? Is there room for everyone?

  • Episode 9: The Outsiders: "An Open Secret" (Matthew 11:2-6)

    31 March 2019  |  Season 2  |  21 mins 19 secs

    In our everyday lives, where do we see people following the teachings of Jesus? Maybe we observe these interactions at work, or while running errands, or at social events, or other activities.

    In our passage today, Jesus tells John the Baptist’s disciples, “Go and tell John what you hear and see:...” These words are followed by mentions of healings and compassion for the people of God. Jesus tells them that his ministry is to those outside the perimeters of society, to those people who need kindness, acceptance and healing. It is not a secret. It’s right there in front of them if they would just pay attention. These teachings have been passed down through generations and are now passed to us. It is our responsibility to pass them on to future generations.

    In our busy lives, do we take the time to notice others carrying out the teachings of Jesus? Can we slow down enough to watch for these moments? Do we show kindness and Christ’s love to others we encounter each day? Opportunities are anywhere, at any time, and can be as simple as a smile, a kind word, a quick phone call or email, or even a compliment. As we go about our lives this week, let’s look for others who are following Christ’s teachings. And may others also observe us sharing the kindness and love of Christ in our interactions with God’s people.

  • Episode 8: The Outsiders: “There’s More Than One Way to Say ‘Help’” (Matthew 9:18-26)

    24 March 2019  |  Season 2  |  23 mins 33 secs

    In this morning’s passage, we will read stories of two people in desperate need. While they take different approached to seek help from Jesus, both receive the healing they seek. Their examples have much to teach us about seeking help for ourselves and our ministries in serving others. I look forward to exploring what their lives might teach us!

  • Episode 7: The Outsiders: “The Outsider’s Outsider” (Matthew 9:9-13)

    17 March 2019  |  Season 2  |  25 mins 22 secs

    In our sermon, we will continue our journey through Lent as Jesus encounters “outsiders.” In today’s passage, we see Jesus take grief from the religious leaders for eating with tax collectors and sinners, the “outsiders” of the first century Jewish community. Jesus responds to these objections by telling the leaders that they should learn the meaning of Hosea 6:6, “I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.” This is a provocative, grace-filled claim that can unsettle us as much as it unsettled the Jewish religious leaders. But if you’ve ever felt like an outsider, you know how good grace can make you feel. I hope we all experience the grace of Jesus Christ today!

  • Episode 6: The Outsiders: “Broken/Forgiven” (Matthew 9:2-8)

    10 March 2019  |  Season 2  |  21 mins 5 secs

    Today marks the first Sunday during the season of Lent. We experienced the imposition of ashes together this past Wednesday, and today we embark upon what for most of us is a familiar, yet ever so difficult journey toward the cross. In in, we are called to acknowledge and confront our own sin and mortality. We trust in God’s authority and victory over sin in Jesus Christ.

    Though our worship, our Community Groups, our Bible studies, and our individual reflections, we have the opportunity to remember, reflect, and be renewed toward our own acceptance of God’s forgiveness. Today, we look at a familiar story, and are faced again with God’s amazing answer to the human condition we call sin.

  • Episode 5: The Last Lecture: “Built to Last” (Matthew 7:24-29)

    3 March 2019  |  Season 1  |  20 mins 25 secs

    Today we conclude The Last Lecture sermon series by looking at the closing words of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Every good speech should wrap up with a strong finish and Jesus doesn’t disappoint. His sermon closes with a summarizing statement about the difference his words can make in our lives – we would do well to listen and obey them!

  • Episode 4: The Last Lecture: The Sermon on the Mount “It Ain’t Easy Being Good” (Matthew 7:13-20)

    24 February 2019  |  Season 1  |  22 mins 44 secs

    Today we continue in our Last Lecture sermon series by looking at Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. As we will see, if you think walking down the path that Jesus lays out is easy – think again! The Christian life challenges us in ways we would never imagine and this requires us to live by God’s grace.

    Leo Tolstoy

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    The Cost of Discipleship

    J. Cole

    Love Yourz

    Ace of Base

    Soren Kierkegaard

  • Episode 3: The Last Lecture: The Sermon on the Mount - The Three "A"s of Earth's Empire (Matthew 6:19-34)

    10 February 2019  |  Season 1  |  23 mins 41 secs

    Sunday, February 10, 2019, The Reverend Jeff Meyers, Senior Pastor

  • Episode 2: The Last Lecture: The Sermon on the Mount - Does Faith Make a Difference? (Matthew 5:13-16)

    20 January 2019  |  Season 1  |  22 mins 42 secs

    Sunday, January 20, 2019. The Reverend Lyndsay Lee Slocum, Executive Pastor

  • Episode 1: The Last Lecture: The Sermon on the Mount - Who’s Your Teacher (Matthew 5:1-2)

    3 January 2019  |  Season 1  |  21 mins 34 secs

    Today marks the beginning of the 180th year of Roswell Presbyterian Church! Since Reverend Pratt moved from Savannah to establish Roswell Presbyterian Church, followers of Jesus Christ have gathered every Sunday to grow spiritually and go out to serve our neighbors. We have centered our ministry on the teachings of Jesus. He is the greatest teacher to ever live! Over the next couple of months, we will focus on his largest collection of teachings known as the “Sermon on the Mount.” These sermons will allow us to reflect on how Jesus can help us flourish as individuals and as a community. I look forward to going on this journey with you!