Roswell Presbyterian Church
About the show
Roswell Presbyterian Church was established in 1839 and is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) within the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta. Since our formation, we have been a church dedicated to reaching out in love and service to the community and the world. We are a congregation with deep historic roots, it is because of the dedication and commitment of those who preceded us that we are able to be a vibrant community today.
We're thrilled to provide this podcast as a way to hear the message.
About the host, Rev. Jeff Meyers, Senior Pastor
Jeff attended Princeton Theological Seminary (PTS). He was awarded the Religion and Society Fellowship for his writing on Christian ethics and human rights. After graduating from PTS, Jeff served in college and young adult ministry at North Avenue Presbyterian Church in Atlanta for ten years. In 2017, Jeff came to Roswell Presbyterian Church.
Roswell Presbyterian Church on social media
Episode 70: Walk on the Wild Side: Changing Direction (Jonah 1:1-17) | Sunday, June 21, 2020
21 June 2020 | Season 12 | 23 mins 18 secs
roswell presbyterian church
It is so important to gather together, even in a virtual way, to praise God and
listen to where God is calling us through scripture today. It is my prayer that you would feel the Holy Spirit surround you as we worship! -
Episode 69: Walk on the Wild Side: Keeping Promises (Genesis 7:24-8:17)
14 June 2020 | Season 12 | 19 mins 51 secs
roswell presbyterian church
In this podcast we look at the story of Noah’s Ark and the flood. While few of us will experience a literal flood as Noah did, we will all experience flood-like events. Noah’s story offers us a model of how to respond to stressful events in our lives. Does that sound relevant to you today? It sure does to me!
Episode 68: Walk on the Wild Side: Watch Out for Snakes (Genesis 3:1-15; 21-24) Sunday, June 7, 2020
7 June 2020 | Season 12 | 20 mins 33 secs
roswell presbyterian church
Do you ever wonder why there’s so much evil in the world? In today’s sermon, we are going to look at the famous passage of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. We will explore the story in detail to shine a light on our own lives so we can be set free from sin. This freedom will allow us to contribute to the flourishing of God’s good creation.
Episode 67: Pentecost: Are You Drunk? ( Acts 2:1-21) Sunday, May 31, 2020
1 June 2020 | Season 12 | 21 mins 22 secs
roswell presbyterian church
Today’s sermon looks at the creation of the first Christian community. Have you ever wondered what observers thought about these new Christians? This morning we will explore what they thought about them and what set these followers of Jesus apart from the rest of the world. I think you’ll find the answer inspiring and maybe even a little humorous.
Episode 66: Roswell Presbyterian Church | Desperation, Despair, Promise (1 Kings 19:1-16) Sunday, May 24, 2020
26 May 2020 | Season 11 | 19 mins 42 secs
roswell presbyterian church
Even following a remarkable victory over the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel, our hero, Elijah, runs to a cave in trying to hide from God. This week, we’ll explore those times we also fear we are alone, isolated, and afraid, and look at God’s response to Elijah and us.
Episode 65: Elijah - “Prayerful Leadership” 1 Kings 18:41-46_Rev. Jeff Meyers, preaching
17 May 2020 | Season 11 | 22 mins 53 secs
By looking at a brief moment in the prophet Elijah’s life, we will explore the practice of prayer. Prayer is one of the great mysteries of the Christian life and an area we often are afraid to ask questions about. In our sermon we will explore why we pray and the difference it can make in our lives and in the world.
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Episode 64: Elijah - “Are You Limping?” 1 Kings 17:19-24_Rev. Jeff Meyers, preaching
10 May 2020 | Season 11 | 21 mins 38 secs
The message of Sunday’s sermon looks at Elijah’s call to not “limp” between options. He demonstrates the importance of deciding on what we really care about. Making this decision helps clarify all our future choices. In the end, we are called to worship the God revealed in Jesus Christ and give him the place of ultimate authority in our lives.
Episode 63: ELIJAH-RiversRunDry-1Kings_17_1-7_Rev. Jeff Meyers
3 May 2020 | Season 11 | 24 mins 8 secs
roswell presbyterian church
Episode 62: Responding to Resurrection 1 John 3:16-24 - Rev. Carrie Weatherford
26 April 2020 | Season 10 | 16 mins 34 secs
roswell presbyterian church
Episode 61: Living Resurrection_1John_1_1-7 -Rev. Jeff Meyers
19 April 2020 | Season 10 | 20 mins 45 secs
Episode 60: Easter at Roswell Presbyterian Church _ Searching for Resurrection_ Mary Magdalene (John 20_1-2,11-18)
12 April 2020 | Season 10 | 24 mins 8 secs
roswell presbyterian church
Episode 59: Searching for Resurrection_ Mrs. Pilate -Rev. Lyndsay Lee Slocum
5 April 2020 | Season 10 | 20 mins 46 secs
roswell presbyterian church
Episode 58: Searching for Resurrection_ Peter-Rev. Jeff Meyers
29 March 2020 | Season 10 | 24 mins 7 secs
roswell presbyterian church
Episode 57: Searching for Resurrection: "Joseph of Arimathea" (Mark 15:42-47)
22 March 2020 | Season 10 | 24 mins 1 sec
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Episode 56: Searching for Resurrection: "Barabbas" (Matthew 27:15-26)
15 March 2020 | Season 10 | 22 mins
This Sunday, Pastor Julie takes a look at the character of Barabbas as told in the twenty-seventh chapter of Matthew's Gospel. Learn more about Roswell Presbyterian Church and stay up to date on how we connect together as a faith community during this season of social distancing by visiting our website:
Episode 55: Searching for Resurrection: "Pontius Pilate" (John 18:28-33a)
8 March 2020 | Season 10 | 23 mins 1 sec
This Sunday, we will take alook at the figure of Pontius Pilate in the passion story of Jesus. Pastor Jeff highlights the difference betweenn the way of Pilate and the way of Jesus, showing how the way of Jesus leads us to freedom, abundance, and ultimately, ressurection!
Join us for worship on Sundays at 8:15, 9:45, or 11:15 for our traditional services or join us at 11 for our RPC@Eleven contemporary service. Learn more about Roswell Presbyterian Church by visiting our website: