Roswell Presbyterian Church
About the show
Roswell Presbyterian Church was established in 1839 and is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) within the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta. Since our formation, we have been a church dedicated to reaching out in love and service to the community and the world. We are a congregation with deep historic roots, it is because of the dedication and commitment of those who preceded us that we are able to be a vibrant community today.
We're thrilled to provide this podcast as a way to hear the message.
About the host, Rev. Jeff Meyers, Senior Pastor
Jeff attended Princeton Theological Seminary (PTS). He was awarded the Religion and Society Fellowship for his writing on Christian ethics and human rights. After graduating from PTS, Jeff served in college and young adult ministry at North Avenue Presbyterian Church in Atlanta for ten years. In 2017, Jeff came to Roswell Presbyterian Church.
Roswell Presbyterian Church on social media
Episode 54: Searching for Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:20-26)
1 March 2020 | Season 10 | 20 mins 27 secs
Today is the first Sunday of Lent. Lent is a season of the Christian year when we acknowledge that we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. Through confession and repentance, we will express our utter reliance on God’s saving grace. Over the next 40 days, we invite you to grow in your relationship with God and one another.
Through our Lenten sermon series, Searching for Resurrection, we hope to aid you in this process. Over the next six Sundays, we will look at the stories of six figures in the final days leading up to Jesus’ death. Through their lives, we look to discover how the resurrection of Christ impacts our own lives. Today, though, is more of an introductory sermon setting the stage for the coming weeks. I look forward to searching for resurrection with you!
Episode 53: Counterfeit Gods: "Me" (Mark 8:31-37)
23 February 2020 | Season 9 | 22 mins 9 secs
Today we conclude our sermon series, "Counterfeit Gods", by taking a look at what it means to make an idol of oneself. Pastor Jeff unpacks for us the words of Jesus as found in Mark 8 in which he rebukes the apostle Peter for being concerned with his own desires rather than the will of God.
Join us next Sunday as we begin the journey of Lent together with our sermon series "Searching for Resurrection".
Episode 52: Counterfeit Gods: "Romance" (1 Corinthians 13:1-13)
16 February 2020 | Season 9 | 22 mins 59 secs
This week, as we continue our sermon series "Counterfeit Gods", Pastor Jeff takes a look at a familiar scripture about love to help us see where we might be tempted to make romantic relationships our source of meaning, rather than finding our true identity in God's love for us.
Episode 51: Counterfeit Gods: "Work" (Matthew 20:1-16)
9 February 2020 | Season 9 | 24 mins 4 secs
Today we continue our sermon series, Counterfeit Gods, by looking at the idol of work. Pastor Jeff takes us through the Parable of the Workers and unpacks how we might put our work in the place of God.
Episode 50: Counterfeit Gods: Food (1 Corinthians 8:1-8)
2 February 2020 | Season 9 | 23 mins 23 secs
Today we continue our sermon series, Counterfeit Gods, by looking at the idol of food. What a tumultuous relationship we have with food! We love how it makes us feel to eat, but we often hate what the food does to our bodies. We stress eat. We emotionally eat. We restrict our food to control our lives. However, food is often a reason for families and loved ones to come together. Certainly, food is a gift and a curse! This morning let’s look at what God has to say about food and our relationship with it.
Episode 49: Counterfeit Gods: "Technology" (Genesis 11:1-9)
26 January 2020 | Season 9 | 26 mins 4 secs
Today we continue our sermon series, "Counterfeit Gods." This week, Pastor Jeff takes us through the story of the Tower of Babel and delves into how we tend to utilize technology in order to create a name for ourselves rather than in service to God.
Episode 48: Counterfeit Gods: "Family" (Luke 14:25-33)
19 January 2020 | Season 9 | 23 mins 20 secs
Today we continue our sermon series, "Counterfeit Gods." So far, we have explored the gods of busyness and leisure and how they can prevent us from living a full and flourishing life. Today's sermon will explore the theme of family. While families are indeed good, we will see the negative effects they can have if we elevate them to the place reserved for God. We believe putting family in its right place will allow us to live graciously and freely with God and our families.
Episode 47: Counterfeit Gods: Leisure (II Thessalonians 3:6-15)
12 January 2020 | Season 9 | 25 mins 40 secs
Last Sunday we began our New Year sermon series, “Counterfeit Gods,” reflecting on busyness. Today we will look at a somewhat obscure passage from 2 Thessalonians about leisure. As the cliché goes, sometimes there can be too much of a good thing. I look forward to exploring how we are called to both work and rest as God has designed us to.
Episode 46: Counterfeit Gods: "Busyness"
5 January 2020 | Season 9 | 25 mins 25 secs
Join us as we begin a new sermon series looking at how things in our lives can prevent us from enjoying the life God has created us for. While these things are often good, they become harmful to us when they exceed their proper place in our lives. We hope this series will help you live a more abundant life as we enter this new year.
Episode 44: Unwrapped (Philippians 4:4-8)
29 December 2019 | Season 8 | 17 mins 43 secs
Episode 45: The Gifts of Advent: "Making Room" (Luke 2:1-14)
24 December 2019 | Season 8 | 15 mins 54 secs
Episode 43: The Gifts of Advent: "Joy" (Isaiah 35:1-10)
22 December 2019 | Season 8 | 21 mins 14 secs
On this Fourth Sunday of Advent Pastor Jeff addresses the difference between happiness and pleasure from true Joy that is found only in Christ! We invite you to join us in celebrating the birth of Christ at one of our Christmas Eve services at either 3, 5, 7, 8 or 11 pm.
Episode 42: The Gifts of Advent: "Love" (Isaiah 7:10-16)
15 December 2019 | Season 8 | 17 mins 43 secs
The Christmas season offers one of the key times of the year when people return to church. The music warms their
hearts, the beauty of the lights and greenery bring back fond memories, and the message of the season is truly good news. -
Episode 41: The Gifts of Advent “Peace” (Isaiah 2:1-5)
10 December 2019 | 18 mins 54 secs
Advent points to the coming of Jesus as we remember his arrival to Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem 2000 years ago, his presence in our hearts every day, and his promise to come again in glory. We at RPC hope to witness to that good news through all our ministries and activities.
Episode 40: The Gifts of Advent: "Hope" (Isaiah 11:1-10)
1 December 2019 | Season 8 | 18 mins 55 secs
Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the time that leads up to Christmas. The word, advent, comes from the Latin word for “coming.” Advent is the season when we celebrate the three ways that Jesus comes to us: when he was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago, when he comes into our hearts daily, and when he promises to come in glory at the end of time.
Our sermon series this year will focus on the gifts that Christ’s advent brings. For many of us, the Christmas season can bring back bad memories of a painful experience, the loss of a loved one, and the letdown of unfulfilled dreams. And so today, we will focus on the gift of hope that Jesus offers. My prayer is that each of us will experience the hope of Jesus Christ today!
Episode 39: Yesvember: "The Call of Yes" (Isaiah 6:6-8)
24 November 2019 | Season 7 | 23 mins 45 secs
I am so glad you are here with us to worship this morning. During our Yesvember series, we have examined God’s “YES” to us through Jesus Christ and what our “YES” response to God looks like in our lives. Today we will hear what God clearly says to us about responding “YES” to God’s call to us through the prophet Isaiah. One of the great things about serving the children and youth here at RPC is having the privilege of helping young people discover God’s call on their lives. All of us are called by God in one way or another. The question becomes, how will we respond to that call?
As we begin this Thanksgiving week, I am incredibly thankful for the Roswell Presbyterian Church family. God is at work in mighty ways through this church, and it is a privilege to partner in ministry with you all. I pray that each of you will have a wonderful holiday this week and will join us for worship next Sunday to kick off the Advent season. If you haven’t invited a friend to church recently, maybe consider who God might be calling you to bring to church during the Advent season!